Philadelphia, PA - Whether you're on a diet or want to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal without feeling guilty, it's a good idea to know what to avoid. For example, you should never use the crust on your turkey, and you should never consume food that has grease dripping off it. In addition, avoiding items made with oil, butter, and sugar is a good idea, as these are common ingredients in most recipes.
Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Meal Without Feeling Guilty
You should also consider adding more vegetables to save weight on your Thanksgiving meal. In particular, ensure that you fill your plate with vegetables before any other heavier dishes. Veggies are a great way to add nutrients to your holiday meal and for weight management. You'll also want to try a healthy breakfast. Eating a protein and fiber-rich breakfast before dinner can make you feel full, which will help you to avoid overeating. You should also drink lots of water throughout the meal. This can help you to feel full and hydrated, which will help you to eat less.
If you're a gravy fan, you can save a lot of calories by using fat-free chicken broth to baste your turkey. You can also substitute fat-free sour cream for cream in creamy dips. You can also make a fat-free fruit puree, replacing the oil in baked goods.
The best way to survive Thanksgiving on a diet is to focus on nutrient-rich foods and skip over the calorie-laden ones. For example, slivered almonds instead of fried onions in green beans. Another tip is to opt for a lighter version of mashed potatoes. If you're making your own, avoid using butter and cream. You can also replace these ingredients with Greek yogurt and broth.
You should also plan ahead and have a light snack before dinner. You'll likely overeat at dinner if you're not having a snack. You should also avoid overindulging on the side dishes. This is especially true if you're trying to lose weight.
It's also a good idea to make sure that you wear form-fitting clothing. This isn't to say you shouldn't wear your favorite Thanksgiving ensemble, but it is a good idea to be aware of your body's size and shape. You should also keep your eyes open for any signs of feeling hungry. For example, you may crave a candied yam or rhubarb pie. If you're craving a dessert, you should consider cutting back on your portion of the stuffing.
It's also a good idea to start your holiday food shopping early. By planning ahead, you can save time, money, and energy. You should avoid buying high-calorie items such as desserts, chips, and soda to lose weight. In addition, you should try to avoid the temptation of going back for seconds.
You may also want to consider asking your relatives to bring healthy dishes. These can be made ahead of time, so you can enjoy them at your leisure.