In United States, the term ribs usually refers to barbeque pork ribs, or even beef ribs, which are served with various barbecue sauces or dry rubs. They are served as a rack of meat which diners customarily tear apart by hand, then eat the meat right off bone. Slow and low roasting or barbecuing for as much as 4–12 hours creates a tender fall of the bone, finished product.
- Night before: Moisten ribs with water. Add rub and put back into the refrigerator.
- Day of: Soak half of wood chunks - hickory, apple or wood of your choice - for 30 minutes. Leave other half of the wood chunks dry. Mix wood with hot, grey-ashed charcoal.
- After fire is going, remove ribs from the refrigerator and add more rub, as desired. Place ribs in the smoker. Experienced barbecue chefs look for a pink smoke ring just below the surface of the meat. This indicates smoke has penetrated. It will develop during the first hour of cooking if you keep the temperature below 140 degrees.
- Having enough carbon (wood, NOT lump charcoal) is critical. After 1 hour, open vents to bring temperature to 225 to 250 degrees. Cook for 4 to 12 hours, holding meat at an internal temperature of 165 to 170 degrees
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