Philadelphia, PA
- The "Dining on a Dime" podcast airs Monday through Friday from 11am to 12pm on Indie Philly Radio and hosted by Author Kevin Wilson and restaurant consultant John Cohl.
Philadelphia's Olde City Foodie Smackdown
During a recent "Smackdown" episode, which looks at restaurants in a small section of the city an effort to discover the very best value in town. The show uncovered great Olde City eats.
- Sassafras Bar, at 48 S 2nd st, which has a weekday "Luncheon Lunacy" special that switches up every day, is only 6.95, and has their famous burger one day a week with delicious fries.
- Oh, Brother, at 206 Market St and their delicious French Onion cheesesteak and burgers, which have the highest quality ingredients.
- The Plough and The Stars, located at 123 Chestnut st which is a great Irish bar in the heart of Olde City with delicious Shepherds Pie and Guinness Casserole, if you love Irish food as we do, this is your spot.
Episode #1 of “Dining on a Dime” is the Olde City Smackdown, where you can find great restaurants in Olde City such as listed above.
Listen to Kevin Wilsons Radio Show "Dining on a Dime" at IndiePhilly Radio each weekday at 11 Am for more of Kevin's reviews and restaurant suggestions.So, join us Each Monday thru Friday from 11am to 12pm on and click the listen live button. Keep in mind that we are a family friendly show and use our entire hour finding you the best restaurant deals, so feel free to play us at work, we are so excited for you to join us!!