Something is special about cooking sausages over a hot grill and the sizzle of the grill a nice and greasy links makes. And, because sausage can be so delicious and forgiving to cook, it almost always tastes great even when cooked carelessly or slighly burnt. This is because the most important part of sausage is in the inside are often drier than they should be. So ff you want to elevate your sausages with using the hot flame rather then by means of heavy torching and grease flares. Consider doing this:
1. The fire. First ignite a small chimney full of charcoal, waiting for the coals to top ash over and flames to dissipate. Load the hot coals onto your grill and arrange them in two cooking zones, one side with twice the depth of coals as the other. Making sure to Keep at lease one area coal free, this is important so as to have at-least one place to drag the sausages during flair-ups.
2. Setting your cleaned grate over the hot coals, rubbing the grate with a rag and oil, and let the coals burn down until both medium (450°F) and low (300°F) heat zones are created. Next place sausages over the medium zone to sear them and keep turning the links every 20 to 30 seconds, until there are grill marks on all sides and the skin as dried some and begun to brown. Transfer to the cooler side of the grill for slower indirect cooking. Continue turning the sausages until they are evenly brown and puffed. Slowly getting to brownness is the surest way of knowing your sausage will be in good shape all the way through. When you see liquids bubbling within the casing or a clear liquid simmering out of the sausage ends, they’re ready to be eaten; Just remove them from the heat and rest for a few minutes before eating. (Note that the same basic principles apply to pan-roasting: sear briefly, then brown slowly and cook through.)
3. Many Grill Masters believe it wise to check the temperature of an in-process sausage using a digital thermometer, but we don’t like to go and stab up our whole fleet. If you must be a nerd who knows the temperature of their sausage on the grill, do this: Before cooking, choose one lucky sausage and insert a roasting thermometer (the kind with a probe connected to an ovenproof wire connected to a digital box) through one end of the sausage into the middle of the meat. Set the alarm to beep at the desired cooking temperature (some-ware around 145°F for beef, 155°F for pork, 165°F for chicken) and forget about it.
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