City of Philadelphia Offers COVID-19 Relief Fund for Restaurants

Press Release
City of Philadelphia Offers COVID-19 Relief Fund for Restaurants

City of Philadelphia Offers COVID-19 Relief Fund for Restaurants

Philadelphia Covid ReliefPhiladelphia, PA - The City of Philadelphia, along with the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), launched the COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund, with over 9 million dollars in grant and loans designed to assist Philadelphia small businesses, maintain payroll expenses as well as protect jobs affected by COVID-19 virus. On top of the 9 million commitment of City and PIDC funds, another $250,000 is going to be provided by the Daniel B. and Florence E. Green Foundation.

What's Open in Philadelphia During Coronavirus Closures

What's Open in Philadelphia During Coronavirus Closures

What's Open in Philadelphia During Coronavirus Closures

Philadelphia, PAPhiladelphia During Coronavirus Closures - What's Open in Philadelphia During Coronavirus Closures? While a lot of businesses and events around Philadelphia are either closing or postponing public events as the city has now banned all gatherings, 50 people or more. There are still a few places where you can go out and enjoy the day or evening.

Philadelphia Announces First Case of Coronavirus

Press Release
Philadelphia Announces First Case of Coronavirus

Photo by CDC

Philadelphia, PACOVID-19 Coronavirus Philly - The City of Philadelphia has reported its first possible case of Coronavirus to be an adult resident who may have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is considered a probable positive case of COVID-19 Coronavirus. The patient is understood to have had direct exposure to a previously verified case of the illness and is presently isolated at home.

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