4 Foods Not to Feed A Child with Difficulties

 4 Foods Not to Feed A Child with Difficulties

4 Foods Not to Feed A Child with Difficulties

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PhillyBite10Philadelphia, PA - Diet can play a major role in creating and exacerbating behavioral issues, irritability, and even hyperactivity—which all take away from your child's ability to focus and retain new information. That's according to the education advocates at Brain Balance Achievement Centers a holistic, drug-free approach to addressing behavioral, social, or learning difficulties—who says there are 4 foods you should cut out to help your child learn better:

  1. Dairy is one of the most common food triggers, leading to irritability, depression, and anxiety in children with food sensitivities.
  2. Gluten is another food trigger associated with negative behavior like hyperactivity, irritability, and aggressiveness in kids with difficulties.
  3. According to the FDA, dyes, which are found in most processed foods, can exacerbate inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity in kids with difficulties. In fact, synthetic dyes are banned in many countries, including the UK.
  4. Non-organic foods contain antibiotics that have a negative affect on the “good” bacteria in your gut responsible for essential tasks like extracting energy from food.

Parents who think their child might have a social, behavioral, or learning difficulty can take this simple online assessment: https://www.brainbalancecenters.com/our-program/childs-personalized-plan/online-assessment.

After years of helping children with behavioral and social challenges, the experts at Brain Balance have developed a cutting-edge (and drug-free) program combining sensory motor stimulation, academic stimulation, and nutrition to correct brain imbalance and improve achievement.


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