Philadelphia, PA
- Just in time for the holidays, OpenTable, the world's leading provider of online restaurant reservations, is getting into the spirit by unveiling the 100 Best Restaurants for Groups in America for 2017.
The complete list features restaurants across 26 states from coast to coast, with New York boasting 20 winning restaurants, followed by Illinois with 18, California with 13, and the District of Columbia and Nevada both claiming nine. Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington are also represented.
Based on this methodology, the following restaurants, listed in alphabetical order, comprise the 100 Best Restaurants for Groups in America list according to OpenTable diners.
3 Philadelphia Restaurants that made a list 2017
- Estia - Philadelphia - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Parc - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Warmdaddy's - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The 100 Best Restaurants for Groups in America list is generated solely from more than 10 million verified OpenTable diner reviews collected between October 1, 2016, and September 29, 2017. They included all restaurants with a minimum "overall" score and a qualifying number of reviews for consideration. Qualifying restaurants were then scored and sorted according to the percentage of reviews for which "great for groups" was selected as a special feature.
Philadelphia Best Holiday Party Venues - Office holiday parties often live in infamy. PhillyBite Magazine has the ultimate holiday party venue guide that will make you forget about the agony of forced merriment, silly party games, and your close-talking drunken co-worker. Find the perfect holiday party space in Philadelphia.
Philly Food Tours Guide and Information
- Visitors to Philadelphia can choose from various options to explore the region, including those of the air, automotive, audio, culinary, self-guided, and water-based varieties. And the sightseeing fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down. But this town is known for its food and below is a list of some of the cities best Food Tours: