Philadelphia, PA - November 2nd, is National Deviled Egg Day! To give you some background about the classic creamy concoction, variations of the modern-day deviled egg can be traced back to ancient Rome where eggs were boiled, seasoned with spicy sauces and then typically served at the beginning of a meal.
Today, the classic deviled egg recipe usually includes a mixture of mayonnaise, mustard and paprika. However, chefs throughout history have been adding their personal spin on the classic dish including ingredients such as pickles, bacon, crabmeat, kimchi, and wasabi among others.
In celebration of the highly anticipated holiday, check out these awesome variations on the classic dish from three popular Philadelphia restaurants.
Ocean Prime - Chef Jenn Grosskruger offers a creative twist on the classic dish at Ocean Prime, Center City’s steakhouse and seafood emporium. The White Truffle Caviar Deviled Eggs ($13) are served with six delicious deviled eggs topped with a slice of black truffle, caviar and minced chives for the perfect start to any sumptuous meal. The Deviled Eggs are available for dinner every night. 124 S 15th St | 215.563.0163 |