Tastykake Bakery Featured Food Network's Unwrapped 2.0

hilly's Tastykake's Bakery Featured Food Network's Unwrapped 2.0

hilly's Tastykake's Bakery Featured Food Network's Unwrapped 2.0

Philly's own Tastykake's Bakery will be featured on the Food Network's Unwrapped 2.0, a reboot of the Unwrapped series, in an episode called "Nostalgic Eats" that will highlight Tastykake's Butterscotch Krimpets.

St. JAWN Dinner Pays Tribute to UK’s Chef Fergus Henderson

 St. JAWN Dinner Pays Tribute to UK’s Chef Fergus Henderson

St. JAWN Dinner Pays Tribute to UK’s Chef Fergus Henderson

Philadelphia, PA—BRICK and MORTAR’s Executive Chef Brian Ricci explores his love of British culture and fondness for Chef and critically-acclaimed cookbook author Fergus Henderson’s Michelin star rated London restaurant St. JOHN with a special two-day event — St. JAWN featuring a myriad of dishes inspired by and celebrating Henderson’s nose-to-tail philosophy, Weds, Nov 18 and Thurs, Nov 19. 

History of Chocolate - Ancient to Modern Times

History of Chocolate

History of Chocolate

Etymologists trace the origin of the word "chocolate" to the Aztec word "xocoatl," which referred to a bitter drink brewed from cacao beans. The Latin name for the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, means "food of the gods."

Philly Celebrates American Cheese Month

October is American Cheese Month! To generate funding for the American Cheese Education Foundation – if you hold an event, please consider donating a portion of proceeds to help the American cheese community educate its members and the public. Your donation helps ensure the highest quality, safest, most wholesome, and diverse cheeses can reach consumers via well-trained and certified folks behind your local cheese counter.

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