Philadelphia, PA - There are many different kinds of Chicago-style hot dogs, but if you're looking for the best Chicago-style dog, there are some things you need to look for. These include dill pickles, pepperoncini, and raw onions. These are all optional but will add some extra flavor to your Chicago-style dog.
Dill Pickles
Chicago-style hot dogs are topped with dill pickles and sweet pickle relish. Other toppings may include celery salt and tomatoes. You can also add sport peppers or onions if you prefer. If you're going to use dill pickles on your Chicago-style hot dog, pick them up at a store with a decent selection. You can also use any other sweet pickle relish, but Rolf's is best. In addition, Vienna relish is also good and can be purchased in most food stores in Chicago.
When choosing dill pickles for a Chicago-style hot dog, you can use kosher or organic dill. You can find both in the deli sections. While dill pickles are traditional on kosher all-beef hot dogs, dill pickles are also added to kosher hot dogs. You can also substitute cucumber slices for pickles.
Celery salt
A Chicago-style hot dog has a lot of flavors, starting with a snappy all-beef wiener. It's served in a steamed poppy seed bun and topped with yellow mustard, chopped onions, neon-green relish, two slices of tomato, dill pickle spears, and celery salt. You can buy celery salt at the grocery store, but you can also make it at home. Although it's easy to buy it, making it at home is more flavorful and extends celery flavor well into the winter.
A Chicago-style hot dog with pepperoncini is a classic Chicago-style hot dog. The Chicago-style pepperoncini is a mild, bite-sized pepper packed in a brine that provides a good amount of crunch without being too hot. This hot dog recipe will make about one serving, but feel free to multiply it if you want to make many more.
Chicago-style hot dogs are incredibly popular. They have become so famous and popular that they can be found worldwide. It can be hard to find one, though, unless you travel to the city. Until recently, Chicagoans could get decent Chicago-style hot dogs at Shake Shack and Sonic Drive-In, but Woody's Chicago Style closed most locations.
Raw Onions
To have a true Chicago-style hot dog, it's important to have the right ingredients. These ingredients must be fresh and raw. Here are some of the most important elements. Raw onions are not required, but they are a nice addition to a Chicago-style hot dog.
Chicago-style hot dogs are usually served with yellow mustard, sliced tomatoes, pickled peppers, and a dill pickle spear. You can also choose to add caramelized onions and peppers. You can use regular relish if you don't have these ingredients.
Poppy Seed Bun
The bun is an important part of a Chicago-style hot dog. But you can't just buy any old bun; the best bun is a poppy seed bun. You can easily make one at home. Simply brush the buns with melted butter, sprinkle with poppy seeds, and bake them for five minutes at 350°F. The poppy seeds will stick to the buns and make a delicious Chicago-style hot dog.
Authentic Chicago-style dogs are topped with yellow mustard, dill pickle spears, and chopped white onion. Some Chicago-style dogs also come with pickled sports peppers. Chicago dogs can be dressed with various condiments, including mustard, ketchup, and relish.