What Does Philly Jawn Mean?

What Does Jawn Mean

What Does Jawn Mean (Photo: PhillyBite)

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Philadelphia, PAPhillyBite Jawn—"Jawn" is unlike any other English term. In fact, according to language experts, it is unlike any other term in just about any other language spoken. It is an all-purpose noun and a stand-in for inanimate objects, abstract principles, events, places, individual people, and types of people. It is a statement that Philadelphia is unique in its language.

When visitors to Philadelphia occasionally get confused, racking their brains on what the locals say to one another, the mysterious word "jawn" could be at fault. "Jawn" is among the city's favorite, most prized expressions. By having no specific meaning, it can be employed to mean all kinds of things, which is why it's great. One Philly resident might reasonably say to another, "That jawn was hot." While baffling to many of the country, that statement could be easily understood within the City Of Brotherly Love. The word has even crept into films like Creed.

How To Speak Philadelphian - Many have attempted to speak, and few have perfected the local pronunciations of key Philly terms. For example, Schuylkill, as in the river or the I-76 expressway, is a skool-kill. Passyunk, the South Philadelphia Avenue neighborhood, is pash-shunk, and water is pronounced more wood. Below are just a few tips for understanding the Philadelphia language.


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