Don't you hate it when you ask for a sugar-free drink in a pub or restaurant, and all they offer is diet cola or water?
Or you're offered a pure fruit juice - "Well, that's sugar-free - isn't it?" No, it isn't - the sugar that occurs naturally in fruit juice is very high and will play havoc with your blood sugar levels. But here are a few drinks you might like to try...
I got so fed up with the standard cola offer that I decided to experiment with mixing the available sugar-free drinks. You might like to try these alternatives to 'just cola.'
1) The first experiment I tried was to mix diet cola and diet tonic water in the same glass. Then, I added ice and lemon. The mixture has a slightly sharper taste, making a very long and refreshing drink on a hot summer's day.
2) Then I tried splitting a pure orange fruit juice (you could also try pineapple or tomato juice) with a friend and added sparkling water to my half of the juice. You could also try mixing your juice with diet tonic water.
3) If you want to make a refreshing drink at home, this pineapple slushy will hit your dry spot:
Add 1/4 cup of unsweetened pineapple juice and ice cubes in one can of sugar-free ginger ale.
Place in a blender until the ice cubes are crushed and you get a slushy mixture.
Why not experiment with other unsweetened fruit juices? If you want a little bit more of a kick, you could add rum extract to enhance the flavor.
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