Philadelphia, PA - These drinks won’t be featured on the menu boards inside the cafes, so you’ll have to know what to ask for when Jack Frost starts nipping at our noses, nothing gets us roasty-toasty from the inside out like a festive coffee drink. If your barista isn't familiar with the ingredients make sure you know what goes into these festive drinks.
Christmas Coffee Drinks
Christmas Cookie Frappuccino
Add two pumps of peppermint syrup and one pump of toffee nut syrup to a regular vanilla frappuccino before topping with caramel drizzle and raw sugar.
Candy Cane Frappuccino
Order a vanilla frap and add two pumps of peppermint syrup as well as extra cream and a caramel drizzle.
Biscotti Frappuccino
Choose your fave frap and ask the barista to throw a biscotti in the blender to boot.
Apple Pie Frappuccino
Ask your barista to fill half your cup with milk and the other half with apple juice, before adding two pumps of cinnamon AND two pumps of caramel syrups. Just ice and blend.
Cinnamon Crunch Frappuccino
Take a while mocha and add one pump of cinnamon syrup and one pump of hazelnut syrup, and top with lashings of cinnamon powder.
S'mores Hot Chocolate
Take a chocolate frap or a hot chocolate and add one pump of cinnamon syrup and one pump of toffee nut syrup to your drink. Blend together and top with as much cream, chocolate sauce, biscuit bits, and marshmallows as humanly possible.
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