Philadelphia, PA - Dining On A Dime Podcast from Wildfire Studios is joining Indie Philly Radio Part of the PhillyBite Media Group. The Show hosted by Kevin Wilson and co-host John Cohl will air during the week Mon-Fri at 11 AM each morning after the station's sports hour starting at 10 am. The show features places to eat all around the Philadelphia region and will help to give you ideas on where to venture out for lunch break. Tune in daily at every weekday at 11 AM.
Check out the shows page and download the latest broadcast via Wildfire Studios at: Dining On A Dime on
About Dining On A Dime Podcast:
Kevin Wilson was one of the 1st people to bring the "Dining On A Dime" idea to the Philadelphia area for his restaurant blog website in 2011. It was a massive success on the site, and he was asked to bring this idea to a weekly radio segment, and after he saw how popular the radio segment was, he brought this idea to Wildfire Radio. The show teaches people where to eat out well on a very tight budget and gives names on both the good and not so good restaurants. His co-host is John Cohl who is a food truck expert and consultant who is the editor of @mobilefoodnews...we want your show feedback so email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and download us on I-Tunes and leave a review