Tax Day Food Specials in Philly

Tax Day Foodie Specials in Philly

Tax Day Food Specials in Philly (Photo: Red Owl Taverm)

PhillyBite Tax Day SpecialPhiladelphia, PA - This year Tax Day falls on Tuesday, April 17th and tax season is just as accrual as usual. Philadelphians can account on food and drink specials at the following restaurants and bars to help them get through this taxing time.

Settling Into Your New House Tips

Settling Into Your New House Tips

Photo by Jessica Castro

PhillyBite10Philadelphia, PA - You’ve Survived the Move . . . Now What? The house hunting is done, the boxes are all in, and you are in your new home! All is perfect. It will be, but it may not be just yet! In reality, the next chapter has be fun, and you want to write it carefully.

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