Philadelphia, PA - The B. Free Franklin Post Office & Museum is one of the first postal offices in the United States and is one of just a few remaining colonial post offices still in use today. The United States Postal Service has been in trouble since the emergence of the Internet, which has slowed mail delivery.
Franklin Post Office & Museum
B. Free Franklin Post Office & Museum. The museum's top floor is home to a postal museum that tells the story of the country's postal service, which has been in continuous operation since Benjamin Franklin's time.
Despite the museum's name, it's not entirely free of controversy. Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general in the United States, and it's impossible not to recognize his signature stamp on the letters you send there. The signature stamp from his time is still used to cancel postage stamps here.
The Post Office also has several exhibits. In addition to original issues of the Pennsylvania Gazette, you'll be able to see Pony Express pouches and other items from the past. It also has a fascinating architectural exhibit. Visitors can also see the wooden joists that hold the building up and the glassware, pottery, and printing equipment that adorn the cellar.