Philadelphia, PA
- Pennsylvania has issued new restrictions statewide, strengthing its mask order and travel restrictions. The order now in effect requires residents to wear masks outside/inside the commonwealth and indoors when not around household members.
Pennsylvania Quarantine and Mask Orders
In addition to the newest mask mandate, the state will require COVID-19 testing for travelers, asking anyone coming in or out of Pennsylvania to receive a negative COVID-19 test or quarantine for 14 days.
The new order went effect the same day as Philadelphia’s new restrictions on Friday, Nov. 20, 2020, and is voluntary. It also will not apply to individuals going to another state for work or medical treatment.
Pa’s Heath Secretary and Gov. Tom Wolf have said they have no intentions to re-instate another shutdown like the one imposed earlier this year.
Pennsylvania Covid-19 Travel and Quarantine Rules
As case numbers increase nationwide, anyone traveling to or from Pennsylvania after being out of state can potentially infect others.
Individuals should stay at a quarantine location for 14 days and avoid physically interacting with anyone, including those in their household.
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Joy Franklin
Food and News Writer
My joy is aimed at food and foodie lovers. I enjoy covering trends, issues, and all things Philly