Philadelphia, PA - is home to at least 569 youth ages 13 to 25 who were counted as being homeless and unaccompanied on a single night in August 2016. Of this number, about 28% had ever been in foster care, the juvenile justice system or both; 70% are African American; 78% graduated high school or received a GED; and more than a third of females reported being mothers or currently pregnant.
These and other key findings on the city’s homeless youth population are detailed in a 106-page report the Office of Homeless Services (OHS) released today and hailed as the city’s most comprehensive and insightful report to date on the complex problem of youth homelessness in Philadelphia.
The document is based largely on information OHS gathered while conducting a point-in-time count of homeless youth as part of the national Voices of Youth Count effort to end youth homelessness led by Chapin Hall, a policy research center at the University of Chicago. Philadelphia is one of 22 cities from around the country to partner with Chapin on its nationwide effort and timed the release of its local report with the release of Chapin’s national report on the scope of youth homelessness around the US.
Also See... LGBT Youth Homelessness Issues in Philadelphia