Philadelphia, PA - The Map Measure Open House, will feature nine City departments showcasing location-based tools. The tools are designed to inform decision-making and support operations as well as improve public services and public saftey.
Participating City Departments Include:
- Philadelphia Police Department: Looking at crime through Weighted Incidents
- Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Services: Vision Zero’s data-driven High Injury Network.
- Health and Human Services Data Management Office: Early childhood risk assessment model.
- Streets Department: All new Litter Index survey tools and map-based management of 25,000 unique blocks within the city’s street network.
- Licenses and Inspections: Tools for identifying vacant industrial buildings, where unlawful uses are raising risk of fire deaths, and finding unstable fire escapes.
- Office of Aviation: NavigatePHL, a digital mapping platform used by PHL Airport to communicate, share, and manage everything about the airport.
- Public Property: Location analysis of City building capital investment and operations and management costs.
- Office of Open Data and Digital Transformation, Open Data Tour – Where to Get It, How to Use It: Learn about open datasets from the city, their practical applications, and the City’s new data visualization tool, Carto.
- Office of Innovation and Technology: Demonstrations of two new public apps, Atlas and OpenMaps. OpenMaps is a mapping tool just for the City’s open geodata.
Division of Housing and Community Development: PolicyMap.
The Map Measure Open House will take place on November 14, 2017 from 5 p.m. — 7 p.m. at 1401 JFK Blvd. in the Municipal Services Building (MSB) on the 16th floor in the Innovation Lab.