Philadelphia, PA - Exploring the Horse-Shoe Trail in Pennsylvania is a great way to do it if you want to try hiking, horseback riding, or simply enjoying nature. This trail is 140 miles long and connects Valley Forge National Park in southeast Pennsylvania to the Appalachian Trail in the mountains near Hershey. Whether you're looking for a quick hike or training for an ultra-marathon, the Horse-Shoe Trail will provide an adventure you won't soon forget.
Horseshoe Trail in Pennsylvania
The Horse-Shoe Trail is marked with yellow blazes, with white blazes indicating side trails leading to interest points. In recent years, the trail has had to be relocated a few times, and if you want to camp on private property, you need to get permission from the landowners. However, camping is allowed in French Creek State Park, although you shouldn't camp on state game lands. You can find campgrounds, intermediate access points along the trail, and information about other lodging options. You can also purchase a guidebook for the trail.
Once you've found a trail, you want to explore, follow the signs and check the weather conditions before you set out. Pennsylvania has more than 12,000 miles of trails to explore, most open during the winter. To plan your trip, visit the Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Guide, which is available in PDF format.