Philly's Chocolate Martini Popularity

Philly's Chocolate Martini Popularity

Philly's Chocolate Martini Popularity

PhillyBite10Philadelphia, PA - Philly, the recent martini comeback is hitting local bars, and if you are interested in something different, then it's time you tried a chocolate martini.  Let's face it; if it wasn't for the vermouth, a martini is really just straight vodka.  For someone who doesn't like straight vodka, a martini can taste kind of harsh.

City Tap House - Philadelphia PA 19103

City Tap House is one of the city’s most popular food-and-beer destinations. The original is located on the second level of The Radian just steps from the campuses of the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University. City Tap House Logan Square is located just off the city’s iconic Benjamin Franklin Parkway.City Tap House is one of the city’s most popular food-and-beer destinations. The original is located on the second level of The Radian just steps from the campuses of the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University. City Tap House Logan Square is located just off the city’s iconic Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

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