Philadelphia, PA
- You may have heard of 'The Bite of '87' and the tragic events surrounding it, but what is the story behind it? The Bite occurs on the frontal lobe, a part of the brain that allows you to think. In 1987, Jeremy Fitzgerald was bitten by an animatronic bear. However, it was unclear what caused the Bite and whether the victim suffered any injuries. To find out more, read on!
Five Nights at Freddy's - The Bite of '87
The "Phone Guy" from the first Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) game mentions the incident, and he says that the FNAF animatronic was not allowed to walk freely during the day. It is not clear who was responsible for the attack, but the child survived. Although details of the event are few, many fans have theories about who committed the attack. The truth, however, is that the FNAF franchise is a popular horror franchise.
The Bite of '87 is one of the biggest mysteries in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. Many fans believe that Toy Chica was responsible for the incident. However, Scott Cawthon has been tight-lipped about the incident since the series began, and fans have speculated about the culprit for years. So, what happened at the party? Is Toy Chica responsible?