About PHLpreK - PHLpreK is the City of Philadelphia’s quality pre-K program which aims to create 6,500 locally-funded, quality pre-K seats over the next four years.
The program partners with neighborhood-based pre-K providers committed to maintaining or improving the quality of their programs so families have improved access to quality pre-K in their neighborhoods. PHLpreK covers the cost of quality pre-K throughout the school day and school year, and there are no income or employment requirements for families. To learn more including how to enroll, visit PHLpreK.org.
Funded by the Philly Beverage Tax, PHLpreK made pre-K possible for 2,000 children who otherwise didn’t have access to free or quality programs in their neighborhood. While the City originally planned to add 1,000 additional seats this September, further expansion beyond the first 2,000 seats has been halted due to do the beverage industry’s decision to appeal a ruling by the Court of Common Pleas. The Court dismissed the industry’s lawsuit aiming to repeal the tax in its entirety.
April 2017 - the Mayor’s Office of Education released applications for pre-K providers seeking to partner with PHLpreK, the City of Philadelphia’s quality pre-K program. A “Continuation Application” invites current PHLpreK providers to continue their partnership with the program, while a separate Request for Qualifications invites new early childhood education providers to apply to operate city-funded pre-K during the 2017-2018 academic year.
“This application process will establish a pipeline of qualified pre-K providers so the City can hit the ground running to expand seats when the lawsuit is resolved,” said Otis Hackney, Chief Education Officer for the City of Philadelphia.
Interested applicants are required to attend one mandatory information session, in-person or via online webinar.
The Continuation Application for PHLpreK supports the continuation of current PHLpreK partners seeking to remain in the program during the 2017-2018 academic year. The application deadline is Wednesday, May 3, 2017, and mandatory information sessions will be held on:
- Thursday, April 13th, 4-6pm, PHMC, 1500 Market Street, Lower Mezzanine
- Monday, April 17th, 4-6pm, PHMC, 1500 Market Street, Lower Mezzanine
- Tuesday, April 18th, 1-3pm, Temple University Center City, 1515 Market Street
The Request for Qualifications for PHLpreK supports new quality pre-K providers seeking to apply to become a PHLpreK site during the 2017-2018 academic year. The application deadline for this RFQ is Monday, May 15, 2017, and mandatory information sessions will be held on:
- Wednesday, April 19th, 4-6pm, PHMC, 1500 Market Street, Lower Mezzanine
- Tuesday, April 25th, 4-6pm, PHMC, 1500 Market Street, Lower Mezzanine
- Tuesday, May 2nd, 1-3pm, PHMC, 1500 Market Street, Lower Mezzanine
Questions regarding these applications can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..