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Brewery River Horse Brewing Company

River Horse Brewing Company Hot

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River Horse Brewing Company


Street Address
2 Graphics Drive
Ewing, NJ
Zip Code



River Horse Brewing Company: New Jersey's Craft Brewery

You don't have to be in a dead end job to feel like you aren't going anywhere. That's the way we felt before River Horse. We were finance geeks living in a world without soul. Grinding it out everyday for a fee, wearing suits and kissing butt.

Then this brewery chose us...she forced us to ask ourselves, "Is this desk job really how I pictured my life?" We answered that question by taking over River Horse in 2007 and have not looked back. We may not end up as the greatest success story on earth, but at least we had the balls to try. Sometimes, for better or worse, your dreams get the best of you.

Beers on Beer Enginer0
Takeout BeerYes
Growler RefillYes

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