Tea 101: Green Tea Toddy
Green Tea Toddy - This green tea hot toddy is a small cup of comfort after a hectic weekend dealing with of sick kids and cold snowy day. For an even bigger pick me up add some Spiced Bourbon to the mix.
Green Tea Toddy - This green tea hot toddy is a small cup of comfort after a hectic weekend dealing with of sick kids and cold snowy day. For an even bigger pick me up add some Spiced Bourbon to the mix.
A great day begins with a cup of freshly roasted coffee. And that you get from an excellent coffee pod. Pods or coffee pods or espresso pods are a simple way to get a perfect espresso and with excellent results.
Coffee, a drink cherished by many; a drink avoided by others. Tea, its main rival, seems to offer a bounty of better health benefits; a drink for the New Agers and those who want to escape the decadence of the brown, caffeinated drink.
Philadelphia, PA - In celebration of National Coffee Day enjoy their signature Affogato for just $5 -- your choice of their world famous gelato drowned with a shot of La Colombe espresso.