Philadelphia, PA - The State of Pennsylvania has issued new face mask orders including wearing a mask while working, The State Health Secretary re-issued this Order to continue to protect all people in the Commonwealth from the spread of COVID-19.
Wearing Masks at Work in Pennsylvania
The Order requires individuals to wear a "face covering." "Face covering" means covering of the nose and mouth with material that is secured to the head with ties, straps, or loops over the ears or is wrapped around the lower face.
Do I have to wear a mask if alone in my workplace or office?
Everyone must wear a face covering when indoors, irrespective of physical distance, however, if a person is working alone, and has no expectation of being around other persons, they do not need to do so.
What does "working alone" mean?
"Working alone" means when a person is separated from interaction with other people with little or no expectation of in-person interruption. Examples include:
- A lone worker inside the enclosed cab of a crane of construction equipment.
- A lone worker inside an office with four walls and a door.
- A lone worker inside a cubicle with 3 walls and a door or entryway, where walls are high enough to block the breathing zone of all people walking by, and the worker's activity will not require anyone to come inside that person's workspace.
- A person who is alone in an agricultural field or other open areas with no expected contact with others.
Does the masking requirement apply to workers who are outdoors, and who engage in heavy physical activity, such as employees of solid waste companies and landscapers?
Yes. Individuals must wear a face-covering unless working alone or working solely with individuals who are a part of their household. A list of the exceptions can be found in Section 3 of the Order.
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